Sitting on a riverbank with a fishing pole with Grandpa. Learning to bake bread with Grandma. Working on cars with dad. Going dress shopping with mom. So many memories from so many lifetimes. What we wouldn’t give to sit down with any one of these beloved people and hear their stories again.

We don’t know our grandparents or parents as young people. We know them as the wise adults they have become by the time we can converse with them. As they age, and as we mature, life stories become more important to share. Friends of Hospice has a complementary service that helps with preserving precious memories. It is Living Legacy. This program is available to those in hospice care, early stages of dementia, or with a life-limiting illness.

Living Legacy is more than a recorded history. One can reflect on life experiences and share personal stories and memories.  Preserved on audio CD, this leaves a touching legacy for family and friends. Hearing family stories in the voice of your loved one is priceless.

Personal historian, Beth Burns conducts the interviews and coordinates the recording.  Beth honors others as they share their personal and unique stories. She guides interviews in different ways. One can use the time to say what you wish to say about your life. Relate childhood stories, school memories, first job experiences, young love.  Or you can share a conversation with your loved one or family. Another way is to respond to questions from Beth. Having done many of these conversations, Beth is able to find the right path for your story to unfold.

Express love and affection, hopes and dreams, and say what you need to say now. Interviews can last from fifteen minutes to two hours. Conversations are tailored to each person’s situation and needs.

Is Living Legacy right for someone you know and love? If so, please contact Annie Pillers at Friends of Hospice: 509-332-4414, or